Art Portfolio


Featuring Work From Bao To The Broth, Jam Factory and More

Discover my exploration into different areas of 3D, including my love of Silversmithing, Wood turning and more!


The Art of Guitar Building

Discover my passion in building sound machines. Explore my current builds and what makes me so intrigued by crafting guitars.

cards reborn

If Industrial Illusions Started on the Moon of Endor

View the current works of Cards Reborn, my very own online store. Cards Reborn re-creates cards in different mediums with CAD and illustration. Like Trading Cards? Take a look!

Logo design and animation

Explore my studies in After Effects, Illustrator, and Blender

Check out my slowly growing portfolio of Logo animation and design!

Fine Art

Studies in Contemporary Art

Take a look at a sample of my studies through the Hereford College of Arts and Hereford Sixth Form College as I discovered what draws to me as an artist.

3D and Materials

Jewellry, Molds and More

Discover my exploration into different areas of 3D, including my love of Silversmithing, Wood turning and more!

Philosophical Articles

A Sample of Works Written At The University Of Birmingham

This is a small sample of my favourite essays I wrote in Philosophy at the University Of Birmingham.

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